water buffalo

Southeast Asia Blog: Vaccinating the Horses

This is the last in a series of travelogues that jockey-veterinarian Ferrin Peterson has written for the TDN about her charitable mission to Southeast Asia to bring much-needed veterinary care to the population's animals. To read the prior installments, click here, here or here. The trials of the jungle are ever-changing. We had started vaccinating the horses one evening when suddenly the sky opened and a downpour came. We returned the vaccines to the refrigerator and ran for shelter. In the evenings, I always read my book, "Where There Is...

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Travelogue: Southeast Asia, Day 2

Editor's note: Jockey and veterinarian Ferrin Peterson is traveling in Southeast Asia to help refugee groups with the veterinary care their animals need, helping humans to survive the refugee crisis in a war-torn area. Click here to read yesterday's blog post. Once we reach the village, we set up camp which means successfully tying up your hammock between two sturdy trees to sleep in overnight. We bathe and wash our clothes in the river, and the pack animal team roams freely like a herd of wild horses. They always return...

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Travelogue: Southeast Asia

Editor's note: Jockey Ferrin Peterson, DVM, has embarked on a charitable mission to Southeast Asia to help refugees care for their animals in war-torn areas, bringing veterinary knowledge and supplies to villagers with no other access to care. She will be contributing a blog to the TDN when conditions permit. Helping the under-served groups of the world was modeled to me from a young age. My parents had worked in Mexico before raising our family, and I have had relatives who served in China, Turkey, India, and Spain as engineers,...

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