TAA Calendar

Fourth Annual TAA Calendar Photo Contest Open July 1

Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) is seeking photos for the 2025 Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance Calendar. Submissions for TAA's fourth annual calendar photo contest will be accepted July 1 through July 31. Entries should feature a registered Thoroughbred that is either currently residing at or was rehomed by a TAA-accredited organization. For other details on submissions, visit: thoroughbredaftercare.org/calendar-contest/ "The calendar contest is a unique opportunity to showcase not only some of our accredited organizations but also the remarkable abilities and success stories of Thoroughbreds in their second careers," said TAA's Marketing &...

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TAA Calendar Photo Contest Open For Submissions

Judged on clarity, artistry and photographic quality, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) will select twelve winners--one featured photo for each month--for its annual Calendar Photo Contest, the organization said in a release Thursday afternoon. Sponsored by Repole Stable, submissions must be relevant to the mission of Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and align with all other criteria set forth in the official contest rules. "We are so excited to begin work on the 2024 calendar generously sponsored once again by Repole Stable," said Emily Dresen, Director of TAA Funding & Events. "We...

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