Seattle Dancer

Lessons From The Legends

Needless to say, all four tried to reject their billing. Between them, after all, they have spent the better part of three centuries dealing with that vehicle of humility, the Thoroughbred. To everyone else present, however, the opportunity to tap into the experience of four such sages as Bill Landes, Frank Penn, Tom Thornbury and John Williams fully justified the Kentucky Thoroughbred Farm Managers Club in promoting their latest meeting in Lexington as "An Evening with Legends." Each, moreover, could be consoled that one of the first tasks addressed--an acknowledgement...

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Unsung Hero of a Real 'Cover' Story

For those of us who only seldom witness a Thoroughbred stallion in the throes of lust, hollering and snorting and shuddering, there's always a sense of awe at the primal energies harnessed by Nature to meet the reproduction imperative. Presumably, then, even nearly four decades of seeing the same thing repeated again and again--with another new covering season imminent--will never quite stifle that wonder, that privileged connection with the very wellspring of life, the constantly recurring miracle of creation. Put this to Richard Barry, however, and he gives you a...

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