Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk

Texas Federal Judge Won't Grant Briefing Stay to HISA

Facing a United States Court of Appeals decision from the Fifth Circuit that the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) is unconstitutional and battling three similar lawsuits in various stages within the federal court system, the HISA Authority and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) were informed Monday that a U.S. District Court judge in Texas won't grant those defendants a requested stay that would halt the briefing schedule in that case pending a final resolution of the Fifth Circuit order. "No Good Cause Exists to Stay This Action," wrote U.S....

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Texas Denied Permission to Join Anti-HISA Suit

A federal judge in Texas overseeing one of four lawsuits seeking to derail the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act Authority (HISA) on alleged anti-constitutionality grounds ruled Friday that the State of Texas and its racing commission can't join a case spearheaded by the owners of Lone Star Park as an "intervenor," in part because they "cannot show their interests are inadequately represented" and also because they had already been granted intervenor status in a similar case. An "intervenor" designation allows outside parties that have a personal stake in the outcome...

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